We entered Utility A and Open A at a match in Chicopee, MA Sunday. Utility A was first to happen and also our first utility match.
This was a great learning experience for me and I think I finally get all the different parts and rules for utility. Wyatt did great in spite of me. I made some errors such as forgetting to only use a hard signal for signals for the first forward! She let me redo that one. He actually did great on signals. I had to give a double command for the down or the up (can't remember) and I stayed about 10 feet from him but he did everything. I also gave him a side command and not a front command at the end getting mixed up with the moving stand. We have not been practicing signals much and when we do it is only the little pieces and not the whole thing. Lost 8 points for heeling.
For scent article #1, he went right out and got the wrong, adjacent article. I think my turn around for sending directly was a bit spastic. I sent him out again and he got it. He got the second article with only 1/2 off and was whining to get started.
We lost only 1 1/2 on the directed retrieve. It was the #2 glove and not the dreaded left pivot glove.
For moving stand, I only gave a hand signal. I forgot you could do both so he needed a double (triple really) command to stop.
For directed jumping. I just did the jumping part and Wyatt needed a couple tries on each running around each jump the first time. I need to practice this at larger distance is all and was doing that before the snow fell.
All in all, very good for our first outing I thought. I will post a video later.
Very impressive that you are doing Utility! And here I was proud of a recent CD. You are a great example of what can be done and how quickly our dogs can learn.
Thanks Cheryl! I'll be at the national - no dogs but will see you there. Love your puppies. Hope you wil enter the new versatility competition!
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