Monday, February 16, 2009

Wyatt's Check Up

Good news. Wyatt got checked out today by our sports vet Julie Roos, DVM and she thought he was doing really well and could go back to agility. She does want me to still reduce his jogging time with me. That was great news. It does seem like he needs a big rest time every winter. I may greatly reduce his jumpers runs and also run his at 16 now that he is a veteran.


Amber-Mae said...

Wyatt is 16?? WOW!

Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer

John Heffernan said...

Sorry, Amber-Mae, I meant jumps 16 inches! He is only 7.

John Heffernan said...

Hi Julie,

Not sure of my schedule yet past early April but I will see you this Spring sometime I'm sure. Hope all is well.