We have a NADAC trial this weekend. My goal is to use it as time to practice contacts in the trial setting. NADAC allows you to go back and redo a contact if you miss it. You have to go all the way back and not just do it back to back. We have 2 jumpers legs so we may be able to get a novice jumpers title.
I finished constructing a dog walk last night so I am looking forward to using that. We now have a teeter, A-Frame, and dogwalk at home. I hope everyone has a good weekend - learning lots and getting lots of Q's.
I have been working on novice, open, and utility obedience all week. For novice, I am proofing stays since Wyatt anticipated his recall last weekend, costing us a qualifying leg.
I am also working on lagging. Instead of holding out my hand for him to touch (to catch up), I am clicking him when I see his face. Progress is slow on keeping in heel position. At home and in class, he is pretty good and improving. When we get to a trial, both dogs lag a lot more depending on the activity level of the environment. I plan on practicing heeling at the agility trial as much as I can.
Have a great time at the NADAC trial this weekend. In regard to your previous post I think trick training is a great idea. I have found that having the dogs do tricks between obedience exercises is a great stress reliever for me and for the dog. It's also good to have a few up your sleeve for when you have company around. : )
Have fun and keep us posted!
OK... Thanks again for the comments, Lisa...
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